Webinar on Oct 20: ClimaX: A Foundation Model for Weather & Climate

When: Friday, Oct 20, 2023 1-2pm Eastern
Location: Online
Registration Link: https://tennessee.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkc-uhrDsuEtzMQCRXw60O60dsHNULoOLA
Cost: Free
Tung Nguyen, a PhD student at UCLA will talk about ClimatX: A Foundation Model for Weather & Climate, Best Paper at ICML Workshop on Synergy of Scientific and Machine Learning Modeling, Spotlght Oral at ICLR Workshop on AI and Climate Change. Tung Nguyen is a PhD student at UCLA, advised by Dr. Aditya Grover. This event is supported by the National Science Foundation and also by the TN Space Grant Consortium at UTK.