Webinar on April 12: HiRISE

When: Fri, April 12, 2024 4-5pm Eastern
Location: Online, Live streaming
Registration Link: https://tennessee.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Xf3C7SBIQoCml-YooG9IHQ
Cost: Free
Our invited speaker, Dr. Shane Byrne, is a Professor at the University of Arizona. Dr. Byrne is the co-Investigator on the HiRISE and CaSSIS cameras at Mars and a Guest Investigator on the DAWN mission at Ceres. He is also the Director of the Space Imagery Center, a NASA Regional Planetary Image Facility. Dr. Byrne got his PhD from Caltech in 2003.

This event is supported by the National Science Foundation and also by the TN Space Grant Consortium at UTK.