Webinar on June 7: Solar System Treks

When: Fri, June 7, 2024 3-4pm Eastern
Location: Online
Registration Link: https://tennessee.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HiAwfggVQ26kWNR7YLDBjQ
Cost: Free
Brian Day will talk about the Solar System Treks. The Solar System Treks are online, browser-based portals that allow you to visualize, explore, and analyze the surfaces of other worlds using real data returned from a growing fleet of spacecrafts. You can view the worlds through the eyes of many different instruments, pilot real-time 3D flyovers above mountains and into craters, and conduct measurements of surface features. The portals provide exciting capabilities for mission planning, planetary science, and public outreach. Here’s the Solar System Treks’ webpage: https://trek.nasa.gov/#

Brian Day has been the Project Manager for Lunar and Planetary Mapping and Modeling in the past 12 years at NASA.

This event is supported by the National Science Foundation and also by the TN Space Grant Consortium at UTK.