Webinar on June 17: Remote Sensing Geology on Earth and Beyond

When: Mon, June 17, 2024 4-5pm Eastern
Location: Online
Registration Link: https://tennessee.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wVnIUcpsTX6jEhQ088kVQw
Cost: Free
Dr. Jeff Moersch will give a talk on Remote Sensing Geology on Earth and Beyond. Dr. Jeff Moersch is an experienced planetary science researcher with a focus on studying the geology of planetary surfaces, remote sensing, terrestrial analog work, and planetary instrument development.He has extensive spacecraft mission experience, including work as a member of the science teams of the Mars Exploration Rover, Mars Odyssey , and the Mars Science Laboratory missions. He has conducted Mars analog research in many terrestrial fieldsites, including Death Valley, Mojave Desert, Atacama Desert, Andes, Iceland, and the Arctic. He is an FAA-certificated flight instructor and commercial pilot in Airplanes, Single and Multiengine-Land, Single Engine Sea, and Glider aircraft, with >1600 hours logged as pilot-incommand.He is also an FAA Pt 107 sUAS pilot with many years of experience in research applications.

This event is supported by the National Science Foundation and also by the TN Space Grant Consortium at UTK.