A Dataset for Supervised Learning
The Iris dataset from UC-Irvine Machine Learning repository:
- Columns are called input variables or features or attributes.
- The outcome we are trying to predict, is called output variables or targets.
- A row in the table is called training example or instance.
- The whole table is called (training) dataset.
- The problem of predicting is called classification.
The variables are:
- sepal_length: Sepal length, in centimeters, used as input.
- sepal_width: Sepal width, in centimeters, used as input.
- petal_length: Petal length, in centimeters, used as input.
- petal_width: Petal width, in centimeters, used as input.
- class: Iris Setosa, Versicolor, or Virginica, used as the target.