Timeline of AI

Let’s review some of the major events that occurred along the AI timeline.

  • 1950s: Computing power was largely reliant on human brains. Alan Turing, a British mathematician, developed a method for assessing whether a machine thinks on par with a human, which he called “imitation game”, and now called “the Turing Test”.
  • 1956: John McCarthy, a Darthmouth mathematician, invited researchers in a summer workshop on investigating the possibility of “thinking machines”. The Group believed, “Every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it”, which is largely credited with founding the field of artificial intelligence.
  • 1970s: AI winter was caused by the pessimism about machine learning.
  • 1979: American Association of Artificial Intelligence was established with a journal in the field, annual conference, and workshops.
  • 1996: Deep Blue by IBM won one of the six chess-playing games against then-world champion Gary Kasparov.
  • 2012: AlexNet authored by Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, Geoffrey E. Hinton was published at the ImageNet competition. Hinton began his research in neural networks during his PhD in the 1970s. AlexNet popularized deep neural networks. Hinton joined Google in 2013 and resigned in 2023.
  • 2013: word2vec was published, revolutionzing the procesisng of text in machine learning.
  • 2016: Google DeepMind created AlphaGo, which beat Lee Sedol, one of the best palyers in the game of Go.
  • 2017: Attention is all you need was published by a team at Google Brain which invented the transformer architecture.
  • 2018: AlphaFold 1 was published.
  • 2018: OpenAI published GPT (generative pre-trained transformer).
  • 2021: DALL-E was published.
  • 2022: Midjourney v1 was released.
  • 2022: OpenAI released ChatGPT-3.5 in November 2022.